October 16, 2008

"In Love With Self"

~In Love With Self~
Hey Ladieeeeees! Hope everything is well with you. I was sitting here thinking, I need to make me a doctors appointment, hell I need to make a lot of appointments, that involve keeping me healthy and fabulous, as women, as black women some of us kinda put going to the doctor on the back burner. But hey in order to know whats going on, what could go on, and how to prevent it, we must suck it up take a day off for ourselfs and see the pros. In this section I would like to focus on, topics and advice on loving ourselfs, because buttercup thats where it all starts! (loving ourselfs and taking good care of ourselfs) So I have and will continue to share with you way so enjoy ourself and taking good care of our, minds, bodies, and souls, and continue to live fabulous lives.

So I pulled out one of my favorite books! Beautylicious The Black Girl's Guide To The Fabulous Life" By Jenyne M. Raines. In this book she grace the pages with a lot of savvy resources, and advice. I follow a lot of it! From "Qween Me" to "Luxe Life" get ready to take being In Love with Yourself to the next level!

Below is the Who, What, When, and special notes, to help you plan your "Day of Health" or as Jenye M. Raines would say "declare it your spa day"



Primary care physicisn, aka the internist


Monitors your general health. Checkups should include blood pressure readings and a fecal occult blood test to screen for problems such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer.


Once a year

Special Notes:

Get a fasting blood sugar tes every two years to screen for diabetes. and if you're in your thirties or over, get a cholestoerol screening (every five years, if things are cool) This is a must, especially if your're at increased risk for heart disease because of smoking, family histor, obesity, high blood pressure, or diabetes.




Monitors your reproductive health. Checkup should include a Pap smear, pelvic exam, clinical breat exam, and if you're sexually active, screening for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.


Once a year

If you get around get a Pap smear and STD test every six months, just being on the safe side.





Monitors your teeth and gums

Every six months for an oral exam and teeth cleaning.

No special notes





Monitors skin and hair

When On an as needed basis

No Special Notes




Monitors your eyes. The visit should include an intraocular pressure measurement for glaucoma.


At least every two years (especially if you wear glasses) When you hit sixty-five go annually

No special notes




Monitors your breasts


A yearly mammogram once you hit forty.

Special Notes

If you have a family histor of breast cancer, please consult with your doctor; you may be candidate for mammorgrams as young as twenty-five.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tips: How to be prepared for your doctor's visits.

Prepare a list of questions you may have for your doctor

Make sure all of your questions were answered, before you leave.

  1. List all medications you're taking and the dosages, including herbal remedies, vitamins, and over the counter drugs.

  2. If you are seeing a new doctor, make sure the old doctor has sent your records.

Always get a second opinion, if you are discussing a diagnosis or treatment.


We all need it. To relax and allow our bodies to float. Being alone in your own, solitude. To dream and create. When we find ourselves sitting around, and our minds are wondering, I feel like we are board out of our minds. But at that time, its actually a time, when we need to embrace our thoughts. Its usually the times that the ideas start to flood in. I remember growing up as a teenager, on Saturday nights , I would call that "my chill time" I would take a long hot bubble bath candles and all and listening to my local radio station, which of course was K.97.1. After my bubble bath, I would continue day dreaming and letting the slow jams take me away to another level. From writing in my journal, reading a great book, creating short stories, or just a plan gossip season with my girls over the phone. That was what I did to relax. Now With all the Stress in the world, being a single mother and staying strong, it takes a lot of times when I have to force myself to take time for ME. Learning to take time for yourself will bring on new memories forever. Here are a couple of things I like to do to relax. To Focus, Dream, and Create!

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